Written By: Emma Collins
Have you been planning to read more books for the new year? Indeed, the pandemic situation has provided you with a lot more time to get a book and read. Here are seven tips to get you to read better for 2021.
1. Frequently Keep a Book by Your Side
You’ll never know when you’ll get into a traffic jam or be held up at the office while waiting for your ride. It would be smart to dedicate a space inside your bag for a book to read. You can accomplish more reading during your downtime.
2. Take Part in Reading Challenges
Having a challenge could keep that reading fire inside of you. You can opt for Goodreads then select a certain number of books that you would read until the end of the year. If you set this goal, you challenge yourself to keep on reading a lot.
3. Be On The Lookout for the “Best-Seller Lists”
If you want to narrow down the books you want to finish, you can go for the best-seller lists on different genres or types of books.
4.Try an e-Reader
If you want to opt for e-books instead of hardbound books, purchase an e-Reader. The most popular one is the Kindle. This suits the needs of the times, especially now that health and safety is a priority. It would be smarter to stay indoors.
5. Set Your Reading Goals
Once you get a book that you plan to read, set your timetable and goal when you would want to finish it. This can help you plan out when you can get a new one. The Bookly app can help you out.
6. Provide a Reading Space Inside Your Home
If you want to set your mood for proper reading, it would be best to designate a specific area where you won’t be disturbed. This will set you up for more books to read.
7. Read Before Sleeping
This routine could serve as your routine. You’ll get surprised by how many chapters you can accomplish by doing this consistently.
BONUS: Read 15 Pages a Day
A simple 15-Pages in a day adds up to 105 pages per week and 5,475 pages in a year. The average full book length is 273 pages in a year that’s roughly 20 books in a year.