"Charisma On Command" 31 DAYS, 31 QUICK TAKES
Quick Takeaways:
Eye Contact - This is the 21st Century version of the classic book, "How To Win Friends and Influence People"! Charlie Houpert's Charisma on Command is one of the best books ever written about the social art form of charisma! This book is filled with a lot of knowledge that will allow you to express your extroverted self, but I loved his take on holding eye contact. Eyes are the windows into the minds of people. Maintaining great eye contact influences everything from relationships to personal emotions. It's a powerful tool of charisma and something that has helped my confidence immensely!
Charisma is a mindset - Charisma is pretty much all mental! Before reading this book, I thought if you were charismatic that's how you are all of the time. What Charlie Houpert shares is quite the contrary. He illustrates how charisma is actually only a mindset and can be turned on and off as you please. The most charismatic people know this and use it as a tool for getting to know people or how to get what they want out of life. Charisma is one of the things that forever changed my life!
Book Title: Charisma On Command
Author: Charlie Houpert
Purchase "Charisma On Command" NOW!