Untamed ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Untamed ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

▫️Untamed | Biography Autobiography
▫️Author: Glennon Doyle @glennondoyle
▫️My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
▫️Pub Date: March 10, 2020

Untamed is an amalgamation of memoir, self-help and general pondering’s of life. Written after a huge emotional and spiritual change in Glennon’s existence, discovering that her husband and father to her children has been committing infidelity and making the choice to leave him for a woman she knows within mere seconds is the partner she wants to share her life with. 
Glennon’s writing style is wonderfully engaging and witty. The book is separated into short chapters which each serve as a memory or a lesson or an anecdote. Although at times I felt it a little repetitive (and if I’m honest a little wanky) some of the wisdom and truth Glennon shares really struck a chord with me, tapping into a lot of my personal doubts and anxieties - I felt very seen and reassured by her words (tears were shed) 
She speaks a lot about trusting our instincts and our bodies to get what we want and need, which I did sometimes felt a little reductive and spoken from a place of privilege but she does later go on to talk about her challenging and educating herself on her privilege. 
My heart was truly warmed by her compassion and devotion to her wife Abby, not knowing much about her life/work previously you get such a sense of how this relationship has truly allowed her to flourish and what she’s learnt about herself and life and love in the process. I’m going to make a pact to come back to this book later in life as I feel like I will take different things from it at different stages of my life & there’s something very special in that. 

Reviewed by Megan Raynor

Instagram: @meg.in.a.book

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