Fight the Funk & Slay In Everyway
Author: Arie Rose
Photo Courtesy of Arie Rose
Author: Arie Rose
Author Bio:
"As a prolific entrepreneur, and proud member of the Latina community, Ms. Rose is an embodiment of the modern woman who does and keeps doing. A businesswoman, mother of a teen, TV host, motivational speaker and now a Latina author. Ms. Rose helps women remember that slaying isn’t just about looks on the outside but really about how you feel. Ms. Arie Rose has the ability to bring out every woman’s inner confidence, overcome their fears and show them how to set themselves up for success. She kicks off her book tour & women’s event “Sip and slay” in NY on February 25th, 2018 from 1-5pm at “The Twenty” in Brooklyn." (Source:
1. In 5 words or less, what is your best advice for "fighting the funk"?
Snap out of it!
2. What was the biggest funk you ever had to fight and what helped you get out of it?
I get into funks all the time. I am chasing a dream so anytime I feel like things aren't progressing, moving fast enough. It is so easy to fall into a funk and start to doubt. I pray on it and ask God to bring me peace, renew my faith and give me the strength to continue.
3. Why do you believe people tend to slip into funks and how can they be proactive rather than reactive to them?
3. Why do you believe people tend to slip into funks and how can they be proactive rather than reactive to them?
There are a million reasons why people fall into funks. It can be losing a loved one, losing a job, not being where they want to be in life, wanting to be in shape.. the main thing when being in a funk is to acknowledge you are in a funk and then say "Ok, it's ok to be in a funk, but it's not okay to stay in a funk," then you have to ask yourself what can I do to get me out of it. What goals can I set that will help me get one step closer to being happy.
4. Where did the idea of "SLAY" come from and what is your vision for it?
4. Where did the idea of "SLAY" come from and what is your vision for it?
We live in an era where "Slay" has become a term of what a person is doing with their looks. For example, people think Slaying means having their makeup on point, their outfit on point, etc.. But what about slaying in other aspects of life? How about slaying as a mother?
Can you raise a queen and teach them how to be a good person? Can you slay an interview and lock in a job? Can you slay in the kitchen and whip up an amazing dinner for your friends and family? That's why I always say "Slay in every way!"
5. What inspired you to write this book and what did you learn about yourself through the writing process?
5. What inspired you to write this book and what did you learn about yourself through the writing process?
It was supposed to be an "8-page quick guide to Fight the Funk," and once I started writing, the words wouldn't stop flowing. I learned that I have so much in me that I want to share. I have gone through so many hardships that I knew by sharing my testimonies they could help others too. I found my purpose when I wrote this book.
6. Do you believe funks can be a good thing for replacing bad habits we had before them?
6. Do you believe funks can be a good thing for replacing bad habits we had before them?
Funks are GREAT! They make you say "You know what, I'm tired of this sh*t! It's time to make changes!" They light a fire under your butt to do things you may have been too scared to do before if you had never hit that funk.
7. What is the best book you have read in the last year?
7. What is the best book you have read in the last year?
Devon Franklin - The Hollywood Commandments
Steve Harvey - Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success
(3rd time reading it)
Oprah Winfrey - What I Know For Sure
(easily the 5th time I read it)
8. What was your writing process like for this book?
8. What was your writing process like for this book?
Just do it. That is the only thing I told myself to do. There was no structure or goal. I just knew I had to keep writing.
9. What is your best advice for getting through writer's block?
9. What is your best advice for getting through writer's block?
Pray. Ask God to work through you.
10. What is the best advice you have ever received for happiness?
10. What is the best advice you have ever received for happiness?
I don't know about the best advice I have received but the advice I always give is "Work on yourself daily and watch how happy you become. Like genuinely happy!"
11. Do you plan on writing more books in the future?
11. Do you plan on writing more books in the future?
Yep! I'm on it now. Only the beginning stages. =)
Places to Find More From This Author:
Facebook: Arie Rose
Instagram: @Iamarierose
Twitter: @Iamarierose
Fight the Funk & Slay In Everyway