"Q&A With Alexa Cucchiara"

"Q&A With Alexa Cucchiara"

Book: Power to Persevere

Photos Courtesy of Alexa Nicole Cucchiara

Author: Alexa Nicole Cucchiara

Author Bio:

Born and raised in New York City, Alexa Cucchiara is a commissioned artist, author, designer, entrepreneur, health and wellness advocate, speaker, and storyteller. Early in her career, she found her unique upbringing to propel her to study at The Art Students League of New York and Fashion Institute of Technology during her childhood, fostering her passion for art and design. In high school, she had her illustrations published on covers and inside Creative Outlook, and used her creativity to drive her entrepreneurial spirit and launched a jewelry business, One Twist Co. 

Today, Alexa is a graduate of Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business, Magna Cum Laude, and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. She recently published her first book, Power to Persevere: Inspiring Stories to Help You Get Through Challenging Moments which debuted as a Best Seller and #1 in Teen & Young Adult Diseases, Illnesses, and Injuries, Teen & Young Adult Physical Impairment, and Teen & Young Adult Body, Mind & Spirit on Amazon. After surviving cancer at a young age, Alexa has found a deep passion in influencing others to live their best life despite their own misfortunes. She believes in the beauty of balance and the magic of taking control of your health. 

She uses her platform to encourage and motivate others to live their life to the fullest despite their unforeseen circumstances and helps others work through their own obstacles. Alexa knows she survived to help others and shine her positive light throughout the world. That’s what she aims to do every day. She uses her life experiences to show others who may feel alone in their struggles that they aren’t defined by their current predicaments.


1.  How did the ‘Power to Persevere’ come about?

After battling cancer at the age of 20, I had a feeling that I was given that battle for a reason. Fighting for my life during this season made me re-evaluate the meaning of life.  In my heart, I knew I had to be that light for someone else, share my experience, and write a book I wish I had to read when I was undergoing treatment.


2.  You’ve once said that “your pain might be the miracle to comfort someone else.” How has writing this book helped you to alleviate some of your own personal battles allowing you to assist in comforting others?

Writing Power to Persevere has made me realize that we are not alone. After interviewing multiple people, whether they battled limb loss, homelessness, or cancer like me, I realized that all of our stories had the same parallel. We all have inner strength and the ability to persevere through any challenge. We just have to have faith.


3.  What is something you learned about yourself while writing ‘Power to Persevere’?

The more vulnerable I can be, the better my work flows. Trying to mask and cover up my inner-being makes me uncomfortable. The raw truth is freeing.


4.  What is something you learned about the world around you while writing ‘Power to Persevere’?

Life is not perfect, and no matter how much we try to save ourselves from trauma and the evils of the word, we cannot escape them. They are used to test the strength of our soul. It will be tough and take a lot of grit, but coming out on the other end is rewarding.


5.  How did obtaining, battling, and eventually beating cancer affect your faith?

At first, it was tough to muster faith. When your whole life crumbles in a split second, you start to begin to question the meaning of life. During my darkest days, I wanted to give up. 

I kept reminding myself of the light at the end of the tunnel, that there was only one way, and that was up. Because I have experienced the miracle of survival, I now practice faith-filled gratitude.


6.  Readers praise your ability to be vulnerable. What was the most terrifying part about opening up knowing that others would be able to see that much into your life?

I wrestled with the fear of judgment. I did not want others to look at me differently or put the ‘cancer’ label on me. I realized that that was my ego speaking. At the end of the day, we all go through something troubling. 

I noticed that after I started to open up to people about this experience, friends, family, and strangers would open up to me about their struggles. 

It has been humbling, to say the least. In Power to Persevere, I talk about how vulnerability is key; whenever you are ready to accept your circumstance and make peace with it, you will be free of stress.


7.  What do you hope readers take away from ‘Power to Persevere’?

Know that you are not alone. We are all experiencing challenges in life. Trust the battle you are given and have faith. If I could do it at my young age, you can too. Remember, you have the power to persevere.


8.  How often do you read and who are some authors that inspire your writing style?

Whether it is my devotional,  a self-help, spiritual book, or an informational book on business,  I try to read every day. The most inspiring author in my life has to be Eckhart Tolle.


9.  Was there anything that you wish you had included in ‘Power to Persevere’ but were unable?

I wish that I was somehow able to write about the lessons I learned this past year during my senior year of college and graduating during COVID-19. I have learned and taught myself so many more tools on how to persevere and use my mindset to transform my life.

10.  Not only are you a bestselling author, but you are also an entrepreneur. What is your favorite part about being an entrepreneur and do you have any words of wisdom for other young women entering or looking to get into the business world?

Taking an idea and turning it into reality is what fuels me. If your heart keeps telling you to create the next biggest snack, write that book, start that non-profit, do it.

Find leaders in the industry you want to embark on, connect with them, and create a vision for your future from the lessons they learned throughout their journey. 


11.  What do you love most about New York City?

The culture, diversity, and everyone’s confidence in expressing themselves.


12.  What’s your best advice for getting over writer’s block? 

Take a little break, go for a walk, listen to a podcast, blast your favorite tunes, and meditate on it.

My ideas can at the most random times. I always made sure to walk around with a notepad or keep my phone notes handy. 

I also slept with a notebook by my bedside because I would wake up to amazing ideas in the middle of my sleep. I am actually in the middle of designing one to sell as an addition to Power to Persevere.


13.  What’s the best book you have read in 2020? 

Oneness with All Life by the one and only Eckhart Tolle. I have not read a self-help book in a while, and this one truly has reinforced a lot of the tools I learned from the beginning of my spiritual journey. It is a short read, but very deep.


14.  What’s the best advice you have ever received on happiness? 

Happiness comes from the heart. Pursue what makes your soul light up.


15.  Do you plan on writing any more books in the future?

Of course! I am waiting for the right time. There is a lot I still have to learn in life. I am planning on launching a few new things within these next coming months, so keep an eye out!


Places To Find More From This Author:

Instagram: @alexacuc 

Facebook: Alexa Cucchiara

Website: www.alexacuc.com


Get Your Copy of Power to Persevere Today!

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